The rise of modern art criticism is related to the modern art revolution, the public aesthetic taste, democratization of exhibition and the situation of art market. Interactions of various ideas in the world we live in have also become more frequent due to the current open society. In the globalized language context, mutualappropriation between Contemporary Taiwanese art criticism and discourses in cultural studies has gradually become a natural phenomenon. Nevertheless, its problems have seldom been discussed. What does this bind of 'cultural turn' in Taiwanese art criticism mean? Is there any specific local significance? This essay aims mainly at analyzing the trajectory of contemporary Taiwanese art criticism and describing its "symptomatic situation" in terms of the intervention of cultural studies. The authors have found that the new art criticism in Taiwan is motivated by a combination of native consciousness and contemporary European discourses, especially discourses on the issue of subjectivity, but not entirely an autonomous change of the development of cultural thoughts. Furthermore, an element comparison and analysis will show the fundamental differences between the traditional and new art criticisms.
contemporary Taiwanese art, art criticism, cultural studies, cultural turn, new art criticism
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