塗鴉(scribbling)是藝術治療中無論是以個案、伴侶、家族或團體治療的形式進行,對象為兒童或成人,由案主自發、或是由治療師所引導,常可見到的藝術活動。本文從皮亞傑(Piaget)的認知發展階段理論、本文作者以羅溫費爾德(Lowenfeld)的兒童繪畫發展理論(Lowenfeld & Brittain, 1987)為基礎所發展的兒童繪畫發展階段理論(陸雅青,2005)、佛洛伊德(Freud)精神動力學派的分析觀點、以及路斯皮因克(Lusebrink 1990,1991 表達性治療層次架構(Expressive Therapies Continuum,簡稱ETC))的理論出發,探討藝術治療中看似毫無意義的塗鴉如何轉化為有價值和有療效的活動,也介紹過程中可能見到的塗鴉情境,及常運用到的幾項塗鴉技術。最後,將各舉幾個由案主自發、及由治療師所引導的塗鴉實例來說明其在藝術治療中的轉化過程。
Scribbling is an artistic activity that is often carried out in the art therapy sessions for individual clients, partners, families or groups. Its objects are either children or adults; and it is either initiated by the clients or led by the therapists. Starting from the cognitive developmental stage theory of Piaget, the children drawing developmental stage theory (Lu Yaching, 2005) developed by this author on the basis of the children drawing developmental theory of Lowenfeld (Lowenfeld & Brittain, 1987), the analytical viewpoints of Freud's mental motive force school, and the theory of expressive therapies continum (ETC) of Lusebrink, (Lusebrink, 1990, 1991), this essay studies how the seemingly meaningless scribbling in art therapy is transformed into valuable and effective therapeutic activities. It also introduces the circumstances of scribbling in the therapeutic process, as well as a few often used scribbling techniques. Finally, it gives a few examples of client-initiated and therapistled scribbling to illustrate their transformation in the art therapy process.
art therapy, scribble
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