With an obvious purpose of enlightenment and cultivation, Madonna and Child depicted in Western religious paintings has produced for all people the paragon image of an ideal mother. Consequently, mothering imposes on many mothers a trammel in particular the choice between taking care of the family and developing personal career. Starting with quotes of cause analyses of mothering based on feminism and psychoanalysis, this essay clarifies that being a woman and being a dedicated mother does not go with the territory. Focused on "chora" a philosophical term refers to conception of the young, the essay further manifests subjectivity of a conceiver with implications of fertility, abundance and inexhaustibleness of that term.
Expanding the purport of a mother's life creation in propagation and nurturing to her art creation, Wang's photographic creations not only record family commemorations, but also witness a mother taking the role of an artist. Photographs of the past 20 years keep track of different life stages of the artist and the growth process of her child. More importantly, transformation of "cliché" by art has also been verified, turning strenuous motherhood practices into unique artistic practices.
Madonna and Child, Mothering, Chora, Mise en abyme, Durée