The field study of the aborigines in Taiwan has a three-fold research puipose: First, it is designed to study the culture and art beliefs within the aboriginal culture of P'ai-wan. Second, it is designed to examine the effects of outside cultural intrusions, such as religious cultures, colonial cultures, and political dominant cultures, and the effects of modern educational system, on the art and culture of the P'ai-wan culture and art. Third, it is designed to examine how aboriginal culture has been affected by external culture intrusions. The P'ai-wan aboriginal people at Kulalau village in P'ing-tung county are selected as site for cultural examining.
Pai-wan aborigines are famous for their "art" products, such as embroideries, wooden sculptures, and rock sculptures. However, the real roles of these "art" products in their own cultural system need to be examined based on their own art beliefs. Throughout history, the effects and influences of Christian religious culture, Japanese colonial culture, the Nationalist government culture, and modern educational system upon the art and culture of the P'ai-wan people are discussed.
This broad purpose was based upon the communities' interest in addressing issues related to the arts and beliefs, as well as answering a call for recognizing cultural identity of the indigenous groups, as well as recognizing a diversity of aboriginal cultures in multicultural societies. Through the use of the ethnography research methodology, the P'ai-wan culture is placed at central stage to be examined how it has been assimilated or adapted the "art" notions and beliefs from external cultures, especially Euro-western cultures. Related issues or controversies of art education and cultural identity of the P'ai-wan people are examined and discussed, as they pertain to the effects of cultural intrusions and controversies in school system.
Accordingly, the study offers the field of art education a rich opportunity to recognize the changing beliefs of aboriginal people over time in the multicultural society of Taiwan, and the contextual influences that contributed to these changes.
Art education, art beliefs, P'ai-wan Aboriginal culture
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