This paper is focused on the origin, history, meanings and development of the ecomuseum. Meanwhile, two French ecomuseums are analyzed and helped to clarify the theoretic concept of ecomuseum. In brief, the meanings of ecomuseum is "Viewing the natural and cultural assets of the whole life area as the museum's domain. And adding the residents' involvement in the museum". The ecomuseum's appearance was originated from the change and demand of the whole social environment. It's development process is different from place to place.
In the foreign country, the development of ecomuseum is in the mature stage. And sometimes even been distorted and misused. However, in Taiwan, it is only in the beginning stage. "Museum communization" has became a social trend in the recent years. There is a growing awareness in the concept of ecomuseum. The power of establishing a museum is gradually changed and transferred. The residents get more power on the decisive process. Today the role of the museum is not only the storage and exhibition area, but also the communal place where people can share their memory and feelings, where community assets can be rejuvenated, where local industry characteristics can be enhanced and so on.
Generally speaking, the ecomuseum is somewhat an ideal concept. And usually countered with the political and cultural environment of the real world. In the future, some relevant government regulations and organizations should be renovated, then we will have a better environment for the development of ecomuseum.
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