This paper discusses the ideological elaboration of Gilles Deleuze on the paintings of Francis Bacon. The first part explains the motivation and methodology of this paper. The second part discusses the instruments of thoughts and objects that Deleuze used for analyzing Bacon's painting. The discussion pays a special attention to the words used by Deleuze and the reasons why Deleuze criticized Bacon. The third part discusses how Deleuze analyzed Bacon's paintings through the methods of observation, description, and connotation often used in the study of geology. The fourth part explains the index of modernity, integrated with historical judgment, used by Deleuze on describing the devenir in material, haptique space, and smooth space, based on the display of painting. The fifth part reveals the two major concepts in Deleuze's ontology of art: abstract machine and diagram. The conclusion of this paper points out the viewpoints of Deleuze on art, thinking, and language, and the two drawbacks in Deleuze's elaboration on Bacon.
word, haptique space, smooth space, abstract machine, diagram
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