達利(Salvador Dali)在超現實主義畫家中有其特殊地位,其人格特質與該派所倚重的精神分析相關主題,如伊底帕斯情結、閹割恐懼、自戀、性別倒錯、偏執妄想等皆有交集,更在其作品中將前述主題予以充分反映,其戀母恨父情結在認識卡拉之後達到緊繃的頂點。本論文著重於討論其〈慾望之謎:我的母親〉及〈威廉.退爾〉(William Tell)系列以見其各自與母親及父親軸向之關連,而同時發展的「偏執狂批判」方法則成就了他許多重要代表作品,包括〈納西瑟斯之變形〉及仿米勒〈晚禱〉系列,在超現實自動寫作/繪畫之外,擴展另一重要的創作模式範圍,即化被動爲主動,尋找一系統顛覆社會理性秩序的方法。本論文因而將一方面釐清達利倒錯心理與其創作的深層關係,並兼及精神分析理論之基本槪念(諸如前述伊底帕斯情結、閹割、自戀以及昇華、退行等),有可能是對探討達利作品時提供之助益。
Among surrealist painters, Salvador Dali is quite remarkable for his queer personality, which many psychoanalytic ideas such as Oedipus complex, castration fear, narcissism, perversion, paranoia etc., could be related. The foresaid motives are also reflected in Dali's works which include Enigma of Desire: my mother and William Tell series — as indications of Oedipus complex and castration motif found in father/son conflict, which meets with its height of tension after his coupling of Gala — and his works done by paranoia-critical method, such as Metamorphosis of Narcissus and series of works imitating Millet's Angelas. The Latter method also breaks through surrealist former current of automatism by providing a new strategy or mode of creation, that is, to turn a passive into an active one as to find a systematic way to the disruption of social rational order. This article then tries to clarify the underlying psychology of Dali the pervert through his works and see also how a basic application of psychoanalytic ideas such as Oedipus complex, castration, narcissism mentioned above, and sublimation and regression as well — could add possible contributions to the study of Dali's works.
Dali, Freud, Oedipus complex, Narcissism, Paranoia, Perversion, Surrealism
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