出版於2013年的攝影書《柯西視界》起始於藝術家史提格(Martine Stig, 1972-)對科幻電影之視覺語言的調查。走訪四個文化有別的城市:突尼斯、深圳、日內瓦與雅典,史提格藉由援引科幻電影形式來將鏡頭下的此時此刻轉化成未來。透過細讀與翻閱史提格的《柯西視界》,本文試圖檢視科幻類型下的攝影書:一方面藉由《柯西視界》一書(與其2013年荷蘭海爾倫玻璃宮個展同名)中的影像編排與印製,爬梳影像在作為作品展示、投影之外,自十九世紀廣泛流通以來,與書本不可分割的脈絡,以及攝影書和電影交集大於分離的關係;另一方面以史提格化當下於未來、轉記實於幻想的影像建構,探討科幻作為一類型,如何是對現狀的反思,並潛在的促成了反奇觀式的未來。
The photobook Cauchy Horizons is a collection of the artist Martine Stig's investigation into the language of science fiction cinema. Across four cities: Tunis, Shenzhen, Geneva and Athens, Stig aims to achieve a visual resemblance from the classic Sci-fi's films to capture the present for a photographic fact of future. Flipping through these monotonous and even uninspiring pages of photographs, Cauchy Horizons shows an exhaustion both in the composition of camera and our imagination to future. Taking a cue from this visual exhaustion, this essay proposes a critical reading toward the Scifi as a genre in image production. It will begin by tracing the historical alinement between the photographs and printed book, and end with a suggestion on how this photographic exhaustion is in fact an anti-spectacle gesture to the exploitation of Sci-fi images.