In Post-90s, Taipei Fine Arts Museum adopts some more active strategies in pushing Taiwanese contemporary art into the global world of Art. The Taiwanese Pavilion at the Venice Biennial is the most important sample.
In my thesis, I used the method of "poetic and politics of exhibition" in New Museology to understand the structure, the process, and the interpretation of exhibitions. The case studies include 1995, 1997, and 1999, The Taiwanese Pavilion at the Venice Biennial. The analysis clearly shows that the politics extends its power to the culture realm. Furthermore, the exhibition, as a whole, depends on the western structure and value while strategically combined with the “accomplice structure” of the western curators and judges. The reason lies in a void of identity and lack of confidence as the Taiwanese. Only when the western curators and our artists use their culture imagination to visualize the need of the international exhibition, then, depend on the western judges as well as curators to decide which styles should Taiwanese artists present, could we possibly receive attention in the global community.
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