The professionals are the foundation of advancing efficiency of any institutes.
Museum affairs especially depend on them. The most important things to elevate the operation of museum is to employ the professionals and build a complete system of employing and promoting with just and open-mind.
There are three ways to employ the professionals of public museums in Taiwan Area as followed:
according to "Law of Government Official's Employment"
according to "Dual Way of Employment"
according to "Statutes of Educational Official's Employment"
Yet, each ofthem still has its own difficulty to be solved.
During to the "Statutes of Educational Official's Employment" is incomplete, inclining to a priority of the diploma and the myth of education degree, the best way to quit the nepotism, privilege, and the political intervention is to build a generally accepted "System of Certification."
Just like the professional skill and technical test, there could be the museum professionals' test held by government. When museums need to employ staff, professional certificates are the basic condition. Under such circumstance, museum can employ its staff fairly, justly and open-mindedly, and so that the professionals can fit for the jobs, bring out their abilities and devote themselves to the museum affairs permanently.
Only when professionals can be suitable for the position in museum, the development of the museum affairs would be smoothing and prospering.
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