

Discussion of the Relational Aesthetics of Marcel Duchamp Prize-winning Artists: A Study of 2014 Winner Julien Prévieux


法籍策展人尼可拉.布希歐(Nicolas Bourriaud)依據其1998年著作《關係美學》的理念,策劃2014臺北雙年展。《關係美學》法文版問世以及「杜象獎」2000年的開展,其背景都是1990年代以後的國際當代藝術,因此「杜象獎」藝術家創作中普遍具有該書中所提及「關係藝術」的特質。尤其2014年杜象獎得主朱利安.佩維厄(Julien Prévieux)的作品,與社會、歷史、文化與未來之間的關係十分密切,其所給予觀眾的啟示令人深思,值得深入探討。本文首先針對「關係美學」、「杜象獎藝術家」進行文獻探討;接著檢視佩維厄創作裡「關係美學」的特點。期望研究結果可作為臺灣當代藝術發展研究及有關工作者的參考,同時提醒觀眾,他們可以和當今藝術家共同完成作品,於其中獲得生命認知方面的新啟示。




French art curator Nicolas Bourriaud undertook exhibition planning for the Taipei Biennial 2014 following the approach outlined in his 1998 work Esthétique relationnelle(Relational Aesthetics).The publication of the original French edition of Esthétique relationnelle and the launch of the Marcel Duchamp Prize in 2000 each reflected major international trends in contemporary art in the 1990s, and many of the artists who have been awarded the Marcel Duchamp Prize since its establishment produce work characterized by embodying some of the characteristics of "Relational Art" as outlined in Bourriaud’s book. In particular, the works of Julien Prévieux, the winner of the Marcel Duchamp Prize in 2014, demonstrate a very close relationship with society, history, culture and the future; his thought-provoking art encourages the viewer to engage in deep reflection. The present study begins with a review of the literature relating to Relational Art, and to the winners of the Marcel Duchamp Prize, before analyzing works created Julien Prévieux and exploring the characteristics of his Relational Art. It is anticipated that the results obtained in the study will provide useful references for research on the development of contemporary art in Taiwan, and for those working in related fields. The results will also contributing to raising public awareness of the potential for collaboration with contemporary artists on the completion of art works, and thereby develop new insights and perspectives.


Relational Aesthetics, Relational Art, Marcel Duchamp Prize, Julien Prévieux

