265 photographers, with an exhibition record, were invited to participate in this research project. They were asked to provide biographical information and answer questions about their use of digital photography. Secondly, the participants were asked to vote for whom they regarded as contemporary Taiwanese photographers from a provided list of names. Following the completion of this, the 100 photographers who received the most votes were interviewed by telephone.
Research Conclusions: Only 20% respondents exclusively use digital cameras. 70% use both film based cameras and digital cameras. Majority of the photographers use software to edit images and save their files digitally. Less than half of the participants felt strongly that digital photography enhanced their work. 70% utilize the web to display their images. 40% highly recommend showing their photographs online. 60% do not believe that web-based exhibitions should be listed on an artist's exhibition record. Nearly 60% responded saying they viewed exceptional Taiwanese web-based exhibitions only once in a while. Also, 40% have never viewed a web-based exhibition. Less than half of the photographers utilize climate controlled storage equipment for their photographs and film. The majority of the respondents reported they will attend exhibitions and participate in related activities. 60% reported that a "traditional photographer" will not disappear in the digital photography age as opposed to 30% who believe it will. 60% reported that even if Taiwan establishes a photography museum, Taiwan would still require a web-based photography museum.
Government did not give much attention to the historical activities of photography in Taiwan. There is a knowledge gap between Taiwan's museums and local cultural centers. Taiwanese photographer's reaction to web-based exhibitions is slow but they still believe in it's potential. There is no common agreement about who is a contemporary Taiwanese photographer because participants desire the work of a contemporary Taiwanese photographer to be unique and break new ground. They are looking for someone with extensive exhibition and publications records and a contributing member of society. Taiwanese photographers prefer artists working in still photography processes as opposed to video and film.
Contemporary, Taiwanese photographer, contemporary Taiwanese photographer
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