This article shall explore the formation of gender subject for Chinese contemporary female artists, especially development of their gender consciousness as well as the derived recreation of re-gendering artistic styles. The common context and historical turn for reemergence of gender-awareness started around mid 1990's which began the course of concretely affecting the life history and artistic creation for Chinese female creators in Post-socialist China. Simultaneously, this entrusted with female artists a larger space of creation and construction for gender identification. In both aspects of research and empirical data interpretation, through practical field survey and make use of relevant literature, this article shall try to conduct gender politics analysis and thick description to above formation process of gender consciousness and respective artistic styles. Moreover, this article expects to understand how the female artists, in the position of subject in practicing and thinking, respond to the historical turn of re-genderization. This research also wants to know, in the social context and art world of prevalent male domination, how they made the choices for themselves as well as the significance of gender implications behind these choices.
female artists, contemporary art, life history, post-socialist china, gender consciousness
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