本文主旨在於初步建構「Off-Site 藝術」理論。此類藝術實踐,一方面離開美術館空間,爭脫機制框架之侷限,但另一方面置身於真實生活環境之中,作品成為場域之中在地政治、經濟、社會等多重勢力交匯之處,不僅具有自身的美學價值,更深具有文化意義,值得進一步研究。在本文中,「Off-Site 藝術」指涉此類藝術作品不僅是離開物理意義上的畫廊白牆空間,同時藝術家以一個全新的觀點,在場域中建立作品自身特殊的時空經驗,此經驗必須由「作品自身—環境脈絡—涉入者」三者交織關係來綜合思考,並且「Off-Site 藝術」具有「在場」、「事件」與「參與」之特質。
Off-Site 藝術、特定場域、日常生活空間、事件、參與
This essay aims to develop a concept of 'Off-Site Art' as a distinct mode of art production. Taking place in real living environments, 'Off-Site Art', on the one hand, is liberated from the limitations imposed by an institution, while on the other hand it naturally encounters difficulties being sited in a broader social, economic and political arena. In this sense, 'Off-Site Art' provides cultural as well as aesthetic value and it is well worth further research. The term 'Off-Site Art' is used here to refer to this kind of art practice: artists not only present works outside of the gallery space but also seek new perspectives in creating the artworks' own time-space experience on site which should be considered as an interweaving relationship among the 'artwork itself, its environmental context and audiences'. Furthermore, 'Off-Site Art' usually possesses the characteristics of'presence','event' and 'participation'.
Off-Site Art, Site Specificity, Spaces in Everyday Life, Event, Participation
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