社會領域 、視覺藝術 、欣賞教學 、視覺文化
In light of artistic sociology and visual culture, art is a societal product which reflects the social phenomenon and its context. Moreover, art can interpret something that verbal formulations are not in a position to accomplish. There are subtle supplementary relations between them. By combining visual art materials with teachings of the social studies, this practice not only corresponds to students’ present image-receiving channels, but it also encourages children to inquire into the world behind the image in order to cultivate image-decoding skills and to make up for their insufficient art appreciation abilities. In visual art appreciation, image-decoding, in addition to analysis of image observation and esthetic forms, emphasizes the understanding ofthe political, economic, and cultural background ofthe art work.
In recent years, the authorities have actively promoted curriculum integration and team teaching, which has made possible the cooperative venture between social studies and the visual arts. However, up to now, little research has been done to integrate the two. This article elaborates on the relationship between the visual arts and social studies, the teaching process and methods of image-decoding, and ideas of curriculum integration. By doing so, it is hoped that the above discussions can be beneficial for educators in turning theory into practice. Hopefully, this will enable teachers to enrich their pedagogical experience as well as fulfill the goals of the visual arts.
social studies, visual arts, appreciation teaching, visual culture
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