在設計領域裡,一個視覺圖像符號在處於不同的文化裡有著不同程度的解讀。然而當工業革命後所造成科技發達的因素,人們藉由交通的便利性來往世界各國,促使文化與文化之間的衝擊、刺激然後不斷地融合;再者,由於傳播的力量,使視覺語言符號的傳達超越了文化與國界,得到全世界的認同感。從藝術設計史角度和文化精神層面來看,法國品牌 LV 與日本文化有著相當關連性,而本文將探討 LV 在發跡的過程中,分析瞭解這兩個不同的國家文化特質,其工藝精神、圖樣視覺力、設計美學觀、符號識別的認知與現代藝術的結合等,所創造的經濟價値可觀並揚名國際。LV 在日本心中已不只是一種奢華品牌,它象徵著的社會地位、品味指標,也意涵著內在文化精神的心靈境界。
In the design field, when a visual imagery symbol enters a different culture, there is likely to be a different kind of interpretation. When the Industrial Revolution brought about countless advances in technology and made travel convenient, people traversed all over the world, hence accelerating both interaction and clashes between cultures. Furthermore, through the power of communication, visual language symbols began to cross both cultural and national boundaries, winning recognition from across the globe. From the standpoint of the history of art design, the French brand LV and Japanese culture have had a considerable connection. Tracing LV’s road to fame, we will discuss, analyze and attempt to understand the cultural characteristics of the two different countries. The discussion will also take into account, among other themes, its crafting spirit, visual imagery, view of design aesthetics, the combination of cognition in symbolic identification and modem art and the economical value it has created in the international arena. It is the contention of the author that, to the Japanese, LV is not merely just a luxury brand; it has also become a symbol of one’s social status, of exquisite taste, and of one’s cultural and spiritual essence.
LV, Japan, Imagery, symbol, crafts
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