德勒茲 、符號體 、圖表 、問題性、反再現
This paper discusses Gilles Deleuze's thoughts on the diagram. The first part presents the research goals. The second part criticizes the regimen of signs in A Thousand Plateaus and discusses their origins, including semiology, becoming, mechanical dynamism, creative process, problematicalism, and artists. The third part discusses the ideology o f the diagram in Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation. This section compares this work with A Thousand Plateaus from the angle of art philosophy and analyzes the static and dynamic aspects of the diagram. It concludes that Deleuze created a radiational and territory-free problematical discourse, which is not only different from the philosophy of representation and identity, but also from the aesthetic tradition of Schopenhauer-Nietzsche. Its idea of de-territorialization poses a direct impact on the discipline and conventional boundary of art.
Gilles Deleuze, regimen of signs, diagram, problematicalism, anti-representation
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