There is a myth about the art history of Taiwan, which is to apply the terms "Impressionism" or "Impressionist style" to the oil paintings in Taiwan during the Japanese colonization. As oil painting was introduced to Taiwan during the Japanese colonization, Taiwanese painters certainly would have been influenced by Japanese artists.
The oil painting during the early Meiji Period in Japan modeled on the realistic styles from the Renaissance to the 19 th Century. The Impressionist style took the lead during the middle Meiji Period, whereas there was a tendency to incorporate Romantic literature in the late Meiji Period. The Taisho Period witnessed a simultaneous existence of multiple pictorial styles, favoring strong individual characteristics. Some avant-garde theories and artistic schools were also introduced to Japan at this time.
Taiwanese oil painters were not unlike the Japanese artists of the Taisho Period; they all yearned for visiting Paris. Whether they had the chance to visit Paris in person, they all took interest in the artistic developments in Paris. Most of them endeavored to break through the Impressionistic style so popular in the Meiji Period, and tried to incorporate the new pictorial styles in Paris subsequent to Cezanne, especially the individual characteristics of the Paris School.
Yen Shui-long's Twilight at Tan-shui, by way of transference of scenery, represents his obsession of Paris where he had the chance to visit when he was young. Twilight at Tan-shui is a brilliant work falling into the Surrealistic realm through the transference of scenery, and it substantially enriches our understanding Taiwanese art in the first half of the 20th century in terms of the stylistic expressions. This painting also inspires the author to work on the personal styles of a number of Taiwanese oil painters during the Japanese colonization. As a matter of fact, oil painters in Taiwan during the Japanese colonization do have their personal style of strong individual characters. To label them with "Impressionism" or "Impressionist style" is most inappropriate. This study helps clarify the issue of the styles of oil painting in Taiwan during the Japanese colonization.
Yen Shui-long, Twilight at Tan-shui, Taiwanese art, Taiwanese oil painting, Japanese colonization, Paris School
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