- ^ 「他者是我」在符合英文文法的情況下,應譯為'Other is me.',然而這句怪異的英文為延續法國詩人韓波(Arthur Rimbaud)於〈1871年5月15日致保羅.德梅尼書信〉(Lettre à Paul Demeny, 15 mai 1871, 1871)信首寫下的「我是他者」(Je est un autre)一語的弔詭性,並據此開展本文的問題,在參照該句英文翻譯'I is an other.'後,選擇保留並調換語句中的be動詞與受詞用法。
This article discusses the autobiographical photograph in French artist Christian Boltanski's early work from 1968 to 1975. The article examines how the artist empowered his photograph the features of autobiographical narrative in literature to create a mythic autobiography of "Christian Boltanski." Traditional autobiography emphasizes authenticity; thence there is always no room for falsification and fiction. And traditional photography contains "real and past", as Roland Barthes said. By analyzing these "Christian Boltanski" images that are not even Boltanski himself at all, the first part of this article attempts to demonstrate that Boltanski does not intend to highlight the impossibility of traditional autobiography and photography, but rather makes them necessarily endorsed his totally fictional caption in the autobiographical photograph from their essences. And the second part of this article continues to argue that it was precisely because of Boltanski's uses of photography allows him to claim that all the characters in the image were he, the photograph of "other am I" hence touched and summoned only the lives and memories related to others. The creation of the mythical character "Christian Boltanski" therefore left only the universal memory of "Christian Boltanski", and no real memories of him eventually. In light of this, the article concludes that the memory construction and disappearance in Boltanski's early autobiographical photograph are not tied to its reliability or simply result of forgetfulness, but instead in the process of writing his own autobiography through images, Boltanski made them universal.
autobiographical photograph, memory, other, Christian Boltanski, "Christian Boltanski"