

Reenacting Rituals and Subverting Official Histories: ChiaWei Hsu's Marshal Tie Jia (2012-2016) & Its Strategies






Taiwanese artist Chia-Wei Hsu's (1983-) trilogy Marshal Tie Jia (2012-2016) echoes the "ethnographic turn" in Taiwanese contemporary art and provides a pattern of cultural networks opposed to the integrity of nation-state. This article discusses these three works from the dimensions of "ethnographic turn" and the potentiality of ritual and performance. By investigating folk rituals and staging performances in Turtle Island (Matsu, Taiwan) and Jingsi Village (Jiangxi, China), the first two works of Marshal named after the aforementioned villages—Turtle Island (2012) and Jingsi Village (2013)—connects two seemingly unrelated locales that share a folk belief in a frog god, a belief that slowly immigrated from China to the Matsu Islands. These cross-regional networking connections, different from viewing Taiwan and China as a whole or viewing them as two separate entities—reflect on the cultural purges by state powers in the postwar Taiwan and China. By revisiting the folk cultural legacy and memory, these works challenge the authority of the official history enacted by the Chinese Communist government and the Kuomintang government in Taiwan, respectively. The third work, Spirit-Writing (2016), explores the possibility of capturing the spiritual essence and invisibility of a god by using contemporary virtual modeling technology. This article considers two contributions of Marshal Tie Jia: On the one hand, the ethnographic investigation dismantles the top-down structure of official ideology, carving out discursive spaces for subjective narratives. On the other hand, the emphasis of the transformative potentials of ritual performance and bodily memory—replacement and reinvention—reopens the possibility to reinterpret history.


Chia-Wei Hsu, Marshal Tie Jia, ethnography, ritual, bodily memory

