

A Note from the Editor-in-chief
第二波美術館熱潮-圖片 第二波美術館熱潮-圖片






Besides cultural resource inventory and the promotion of arts and cultural activities, the establishing of museums can also maintain local identity and boost the development of cultural industry. In this issue, two essays under the topic "Second Wave of Art Museum Craze" thematically discuss from the perspective of visitor's behavior and historical building as museum. In SU Yaohua's essay, she takes the crowdfunding program "everyone could be the patron" that has been promoted for ten years by the Louvre Museum as a case study, discussing the possibility of museum's being "alternative tools of economy." YIN Pao-Ning yet takes the lately established AMA museum and 207 museum in Dadaocheng, Taipei as case studies . From the idea of post-museum, the author discusses the relation and links among museum, regeneration and cultural economy.

The other two essays on the arts yet discuss the development of two trends in contemporary artistic practices. LU Pei-Yi's essay is reading CHEN Chieh-Jen's three works, "Factory," "The Route," and "Realm of Reverberations" rethinking the force when art serves the function as the resounding of social movement. Through the artistic transformation of visualization, formalization and emotionalization, social actions open up a continuous role of art that can keep on after social movement. CHIU Chih-Yung’s essay explores the interactive relation among "image," "body," "time" and "space" in the artistic practices of virtual reality. "Ontological events" and "synesthesia aesthetics" in the arts of virtual reality explain the participants’ contrapositioning experiences of perceptions and body senses in two realms of reality and virtuality when entering works of virtual reality with wearable devices and technological equipment.

Facing the rapid social changes, art museums are the best places to ref lect public's need and different voices. Integrating multiple resources, encouraging cultural production, and implementing public's interest will be the social value of art museums in the coming era. Nowadays, local governments are actively preparing to establish art museums in many places, thus bringing out the "second wave of art museum craze." Will these future-facing art museums place public interest on their priority? Focusing the interaction between humanity and the environment, proposing the corporation and integration with community, leading current issues, stimulating creativity and responding to all the challenges, museums are the advocators of the zeitgeist.
