This paper discusses why Nelson Goodman's aesthetics could be regarded as a sort of analytic epistemology of art, and what characterizes such aesthetics? In response to thesequestions above, this paper proceeds in two parts. The first part, beginning with his basic position of aesthetics, I would explore how Goodman thinks of arts, cognition and epistemology. The second part, starting from three different aspects of Goodman's action, this study tries to understand his epistemology as follows: (1) Art education: especially what is his original idea of founding Project Zero in Harvard University: (2) Art creation: Goodman's three multimedia works of art presented the characteristics of his epistemology: (3) Reconceptions in philosophy: as Goodman's reconceptions in philosophy are involved with his epistemological issues.
In the conclusion, why the characteristic epistemology in Goodman's aesthetics is worth examining is that its claims has a close connection with modern and contemporary process of art.
symbols, cognition, epistemology, Project Zero