色彩 、調和 、歷史
When the concept of color is applied into the real life, the theory of color harmonizing becomes a guidelines of using color. The purpose of this research is to supplement the insufficient research information in this field, and provide the laterresearchers more ideas about the development of harmonizing and the clues of understanding it. The technique of this research is to compare the distinguishing features for the development of color harmonizing by spreading out the history. The final finding is that the development of color harmonizing was leading by the theory of physical music and the theory of feeling respectively. Although different advantages exist in these two developments, some questions still remain unsolved. Recently, people are talking about studying color harmonizing from the culture's point of view, and this might be another turning point. However, as far as searching the answer is concerned, it needs the mutual effort from both the researchers and the artists.
Color, harmonizing, History
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