

From “Taipei Bridge” (1927) to the “Construction”(1947): A Study on the Early Stage of Li, Shih-chiao’s Artistic Career
現代美術學報 16-圖片 現代美術學報 16-圖片


筆者於 2007 年策劃「畫壇長跑者一李石樵百年誕辰回顧展」,期間曾與李石樵美術館、臺北市立美術館、國立臺中美術館,以及相關硏究專業人員交換意見,實際瞭解李石樵之創作與生平。在廣泛蒐集相關文獻的過程,也發現目前探討李石樵的硏究,相當繁多,但就文學界對他創作的影響上,論述則相當有限,僅有梅丁衍的〈戰後初期臺灣「新現實主義」美術之孕育流產一以李石樵畫風爲例〉,對李石樵與文學、左翼人士有詳細論述。盛鎧的〈建設巴別塔一試論李石樵的「建設」及其人物群像畫〉中,以戰後的社會狀況與李石樵的創作,進行關聯探討。而陳芳明在〈當殖民地作家與畫家相遇一三〇年代臺灣文學史的一個側面〉則以文學爲主,分析與藝術界的交流。本文冀圖以李石樵早期創作與文學界的互動,做爲硏究論述之軸線,以探討他在時代環境之遽變下的創作歷程,共計分四項主題來分析、一、從〈臺北橋〉出發一往藝術之路邁進;二、新生代的文化聚集與結盟;三、從〈合唱〉起步一聖戰美術的創作反思;四、從〈建設〉雄心一畫下巨幅臺灣戰後百態。




To plan a memorial masterpieces presentation of Art Master Li, Shih-chiao in 2007, the writer has selected "A Marathoner in Art to a Centennial Celebration of Li, Shih-chiao" as the topic of the activity. In the past 15 months, several museums and institute, like the Li Shih-chiao Art Museum, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the National Taichung Art Museum have been intensively visited, viewpoints from the relevant senior artists and from the studying colleagues have been consulted and exchanged. In his young age, such facts as the approach to his aspiration of Master Li realized to his creation in arts. The writer found an interesting and surprising fact that there were so many writings and studies about the master Li, but on the documentations collection, paintings collection and the collections of his personal effects and photo-pictures in his lifetime. Among those abound resources; the writer believes there is still some space, in literature and art creation, to approach Master Li's masterpieces to find out the relation and influence. In some old writings, the writer found that some senior writers, such as Mr. Mei, Ting-yen has published his review on "New Realization" to address the art development during the early stage of Master Li in post World War II. He addressed Master Li's painting style and described in detail of the literature initiation between him and his friends. Then, Mr. Sheng, Kai reviewed in his work of Shi-chau Li's "Construction" addressing that it was constructing the Babel Tower by presenting a group of people in the painting. Mr. Sheng concluded that Mr. Li has made a new style of art creation to describe the society situation in the post War. Lastly, Mr. Chen, Fang-ming reviewed in his work of "A Profile of Taiwan Literature in 1930s - the age when the writers met the painters during the Japanese Colonial Age." Mr. Chen gave a lot of analyses by connecting the section of artists and literary writers.

In this paper, the writer wishes to focus the discussion on the art creation in Master Li's early age and his counter actions with the literary section as the axial line by marking the time difference, as well as with the expectation to review Master Li's mind pilgrimage in the art creation period by period. Chronically, the writer collects Master Li's decisive piece that might express the social status surrounding his early living age, such as the radical change during pre-War and post War. The writer prefers to separate the articles and period into four Chapters so as to move the viewpoints. In the Chapter One, it begins from the "Taipei Bridge" and to start the journey of art; in the Chapter Two; to meet and group together with the new cultural generations; in the Chapter Three, to find a reverse way of art creation to present the art holy war in "The Chorus"; in the Chapter Four, to set up an ambition by drawing a huge painting "Construction" and presenting the post-War society in Taiwan. 


Li, Shih-chiao, Art for Salon, Social Consciousness
