Taiwan is known as Formosa, which means beautiful island. Mountains, crags, countryside, and people of Taiwan are all excellent subjects for senior Taiwanese artists those who devoted on in-field painting, like Liao Chi-Chun, Li Shih-Chiao, Yan San-Lan, Lin Y-Shan, Chen Hui-Kun. They had plenty of masterpieces of this beautiful island. Chen Hui-Kun, especially, masters landscape painting. Cliffs, waterfalls, mountains, streams, and country of Taiwan are all his subjects.
Chen Hui-Kun emphasizes painting in nature. Facing the pure nature that he loves most makes he feel calm. Furthermore, the nature becomes the best resource of developing painting techniques and concepts for him. Every masterpieces of his in-field painting engraves the effort of hard studying.
Chen Hui-Kun learned painting in Japan while young, and after mid-age he continuously studied in Europe, American, and Japan. Though, his hometown, Taiwan, inspires him most. He realized the meaning of traditional Chinese painting, from the glamour of geographical feature of Taiwan and apprehended the core of western modern art by depicting the terrain of Taiwan as well. Thanks to his personal characteristic is mixed with eastern and western culture, Chen Hui-Kun's paintings of Taiwan show his open mind and the love of country.
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