An Sheng-hui is one of the representative artists of contemporary art in Taiwan. She was born in 1968 in the old Kuchapungan area of Pingtung. Her mother was the chief of the Rukai tribe; thus, Sheng-hui is also known by her princess name, Eleng Luluan. During the 1990s, she struggled with her cultural identity and became engaged in the sociocultural movements of Taiwan's indigenous people. In 2002 Eleng and a group of indigenous artists, musicians and actors organized an experimental camp on the beach of Chintsun, where they experienced their ancestors' primitive life and meditated on the past-while also discussing future rights for indigenous people. These connections among them are reminiscent of Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the rhizome, which "connects any point to any other point."[1] Further, a rhizome "may be broken...at a given spot, but will start up again on one of its old lines, or on new lines,"[2] demonstrating de-territorialization and re-territorialization, the ability to "continuously spread and multiply." During the camp, Eleng became fascinated with creating driftwood art, and later created a series of works echoing rhizomic images.
rhizome, An Sheng-hui, Eleng Luluan, driftwood
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