This essay aims to describe benefits and difficulties of the Taipei Biennial, for propose the suitable strategies of its development in near future. The tensions between two imaginations, "identical subjectivity" and "internationalized", became the main issue during the establishment of the Taipei Biennial. After the transition into "international biennale", and experienced 3 periods of different curatorial structure, the Taipei Biennial still struggle in the limited imagination of "internationalized", and lacks of strategies to interact with the Taipei city and its audiences. Beside the difficulties of curatorial administration, the main reason why the Taipei Biennial struggles into these difficulties is it lacks of definitions in different layers. To benefit development of the Taipei Biennial in near future, the Taipei Biennial should redefine its position, and start to develop experimental strategies, such as adapt multiple structure of curating in the Taipei Biennial, and encourage the direct connection between the biennale and the research programs within the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
Taipei Biennial, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, curatorial strategy, international biennale/triennale
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