The self-evaluation of art history as a discipline itself since the 1980s has had a qualitative change because of the paradigm shift induced by "digitalization." According to the wave of Iconic Turn, Image-Science (Bildwissenschaft) has recently become the latest productive research field of the trans-discipline studies in art history. On the other hand, Art Science (Kunstwissenschaft) is seeing New Media Art (Neue Medienkunst) as the main shaft has key concept that is constructing its own frame of Contemporary Art Historiography. One of the foremost proponents was Heinrich Klotz, the historian, the former director of Center of Art and Media (Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie/ ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany; also the principal of The State Academy for Design in Karlsruhe (Hfg Karlsruhe), who brought up the theory of Second Modem (Zweite Modeme) in 1981. The concept put forward by him has also initiated the concept of The Global Modem (die globale Modeme) that was named and advanced into the main stream of art history research by his colleague Hans Belting. Undoubtedly, The Media Art Theory (that Belting uses to respond to his own 1983 book The End of Art History?) carves out a new path for art history discipline. At the turn of the century many of those who had trained as traditional art historians have joined Belting's movement, such as W. Herzogenrath, R. Frieling, D. Daniels, and H.-P. Schwarz. Worthy of note is the aesthetician Wolfgang Welsch who was recommended by Klotz when in the 1990s he evolved the concept of post modem, and his new aesthetical concept of re-Design. Since then, during globalization, a new phenomenon of "designed discipline of Trans-discipline" ("Transdisziplinares Design der Disziplin") together with Second Modem has become next wave of art history studies.
Image-Science/ Bildwissenschaft, Media Art, iconic turn, Second Modem, The
Global Modem, designed discipline of Trans-discipline