本文以羅洛.梅(Rollo May)主張藝術作品從「遭遇」中誕生的觀點來探討李澤藩速寫題材內容的選擇與作品形式的表現,以及對照其速寫草稿與水彩作品,釐清速寫所存在的藝術價値和在李氏藝術生涯中所扮演的角色。從分析中可知,速寫不僅是視覺的描述,同時它也代表著一種藝術象徵或情感表現。李氏藉著在其生活世界中的遭遇來擇定題材內容,並以多樣的速寫形式表現其心中景觀和生活悸動,其速寫草圖和水彩作品各自擁有獨特的藝術表現。特別是他的速寫不僅鉅細靡遺地反映其內在的審美情感和用心刻畫周遭事物的心境,還激發觀者以新的眼光觀看生命與自然界。因此,欣賞李氏的速寫,猶如和他對話一般的親切。
This thesis tries to clarify the value of sketching in art, and to find what the sketches mean to Lee in his artistic career. It studies the materials and forms in Lee Taz-Fan's sketches from the point of Rollo May's idea -- artists produce their works from the encounters of their life. According to the analyses, a sketch is not only visional depiction but also a kind expression of symbol or emotion. Lee chose the contents of a work from encounters with his life. He used various forms of line in sketch to express the scenes in his mind or the fluttering in his living world. In the contrast between his sketches and pantings, each work shows a unique quality. Especially, Lee's sketches show his encounters in details. They also inspire the audiences to face their life and the nature from an new insight. Appreciating Lee's sketches is just like talking with Lee himself.
Sketch, Encounter, Material, Form, Line
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