This essay discusses Hegel's thoughts and system of art and his theory on 'End of Art'. The introduction presents the methodology of analysis. Part Two discusses the thoughts of art in Hegel's 'Course of aesthetics' and its relation with his 'Encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences'. From the analysis, three propositional issues on aesthetics are inducted: (1) Art is the united body of sensitivity and spirit, and that of interior and exterior; (2) Art is the actual body of knowledge; and (3) Art is the representation of individual belief or ideal. Part Three presents a critique on Hegel's system of art: symbolic art, classic art, and romantic art, and the characteristics as well as the contradictions in this system. Part Four analyzes Hegel's theory on 'End of Art' and its influence on the world. The essay concludes that Hegel's aesthetics travels between speciality of the art (i.e., history) and modem thoughts (i.e., present). His theory has became the logic foundation of the 'retum-no-more' trend of the aesthetics and/or artistic philosophy since his time.
Hegel, philosophy of art, system of Art, end of Art
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