正當後現代主義設計思潮在建築及工業產品等設計領域盛行之際,因視覺傳達設計很少被某一種特定的風格所壟斷,所以在面對後現代思潮的衝擊時,並沒有產生像建築或工業設計領域那樣大的影響。即便如此,仍有一批設計家努力地進行後現代主義視覺設計的探索。國內外探討後現代主義建築或工業設計的研究很多,但在平面設計領域則較少,大家也常會將「後現代(post-modern)時期」和「後現代主義(post-modernism)設計風格」兩名詞混淆,因為在不同領域對於後現代的定義不盡相同。因此本研究利用文獻探討與作品形式分析的方式,針對後現代主義平面設計的發展、設計流派及各派別在視覺元素與構成手法上的特色與差異進行釐清。研究發現後現代主義平面設計主要可以分成4個派別,每一個派別都有其對設計獨特的看法與理念,從中我們也可以發現其共同的基本精神都是對於現代主義(Modernism)與國際風格(International style)設計的反動,這也讓此時期平面設計運動的探索更加多元化。
視覺藝術 、後現代主義、平面設計、新浪潮、龐克、復古和本土設計 。
The essence of design is a kind of creation, innovation, and problem-solving process; therefore, design should discover problems in the different times and contexts. Postmodernism graphic design first appeared in about 1970 and tries to challenge Modernism design that is lack of humanity, via several design movements. According to many references, we can roughly divide postmodern graphic design movement into three major schools: New Wave movement, Memphis & San Francisco group, Punk design, and Retro & Vernacular design, each with its own thought and particular visual language. Though each possessed its own design method and style, they all had one same objective — to rebel against Modernism design and International style. The exploring of design movements leads "Design" more interesting and closer to its essence-creation, innovation, and problem-solving.
Visual art, Postmodernism, Graphic Design, New Wave, Memphis & San Francisco group, Punk design, and Retro & Vernacular design.
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