本文從文化記憶研究、建築現象學以及藝術學的跨領域視野,對臺灣眷村展開討論。在本人對眷村居民口述訪談的分析之後,採用皮埃爾.諾拉(Pierre Nora)「記憶之場」(Les Lieux de Mémoire)的概念作為理論工具,來反思對於眷村的保護僅停留在對其物質性實體的博物館化之上,而忽略了「場所」的媒介性。以及作為文化資產的眷村,應該以藝術總體性經驗的方式來強化其「意象」(Image),凝聚成為「記憶之場」,從而得以對抗記憶的工業化。
This article discusses the Military Dependents' Village in Taiwan from the interdisciplinary perspectives of Cultural Memory Research, Architectural Phenomenology, and Art. After an analysis of the oral interviews with the residents of the Military Dependents' Village, I apply Pierre Nora's concept of "Les Lieux de Mémoire" as a theoretical tool to reflect upon the problem on the protection of the Military Dependents' Village, which merely "museumize" the material entities and ignores the mediality of the "Loci". As a cultural asset, the Military Dependents' Village should employ holistic artistic experience to strengthen its "image" to form a "Les Lieux de Mémoire" so as to fight the industrialization of memory.
Loci, Les Lieux de Memoire, Image, Artistic creation