In March 2012, Tehching Hsieh came to Taiwan, the country of his birth, for a lecture tour on the occasion of the launch of the Chinese translation of his book, Out of Now: the Lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh. Since leaving Taiwan in the mid-1970s to live and practice art in New York, Tehching has returned many times to his homeland, and has spoken there with artist friends and scholars, but this was the first time he spoke in public about his life and work. Joining Tehching on his lecture tour was Adrian Heathfield, the coauthor of the book, Jow Jiun Gong, the book's translator, and Weng Choy Lee. The group first spoke at the Taipei Fine Art Museum, then went south to Tainan National University of the Arts, and finally returned to capital, to speak at the Taipei University of the Arts. In this short article, Lee offers some preliminary observations and reflections on his experiences accompanying Hsieh in Taiwan, and speaks on such topics as: accessing Tehching Hsieh's work through narrative; the spare economy of Hsieh's gestures and documents; the function of the document in his work; and the difficulty of placing Tehching Hsieh.
storytelling, document, absence
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