本研究以法國「敘述性具像」藝術家貝何納賀.洪西亞克(Bernard Rancillac)最政治化的時期—1966-1980 年間—的肖像畫為題,鎖定的是聯繫藝術家、表現的主題對象、與當時的時代之間的複雜網絡,將洪西亞克的肖像創作重置於產出作品的時空背景與藝術文化氛圍中檢視,為本研究的主要視角。文中將論證洪西亞克如何於肖像創作中演譯其政治認同與叛逆世代的時代精神、實踐其與時代共享的僭越美學,以解讀其肖像表現的豐富意義以及獨有的時代性;並據此而進一步探討洪西亞克如何在其作品中探測肖像表現的新可能性,以及他如何改變了傳統肖像—特別是「歷史肖像畫」—的基本性格,甚至造成「典範轉移」(paradigmatic shift),而參與形構當代肖像表現的新貌、意義與價值。
The subject matter of this research is the portraits of French narrative figuration artist Bernard Rancillac during his most political period–1966 to 1980. The main approach of the research is to focus on the complex correlation among the artist, the referent, and the age; and to re-place and reconsider Rancillac's portraiture in its contemporary artistic and cultural context. This essay will demonstrate how Rauschenberg interpreted his political identity and the zeitgeist of the rebellions generation in his portraiture and practised the aesthetics of overstepping one's authority he shared with the age, in order to explain the rich meaning and unique features of the age in his portrait expression; thereby further discussing how Rauschenberg explored, in his works, the new possibilities of portrait expression, and how he changed the basic character of traditional portraiture—especially 'historical portraiture'; even creating paradigmatic shift, and participating in the formation of new features, meanings, and values of contemporary portrait expression.
Bernard Rancillac, contemporary portrait, narrative figuration
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