Conceptual art appeared as one of the art movements in the United States in early 1960s. Many critics and art historians during the 1960s-70s had annoyed the tide of new art because they were confronted with a perplexing profusion of its styles, forms, and relating issues of discussion. For nearly forty years, conceptual art has influenced art activities and art education in many countries in Europe, America, and Asia. Although conceptual art becomes an international phenomenon in the art world, it is new to our society. There are few reports and articles in Chinese publications. More studies and information are still needed.
This is a descriptive article. The main purpose of the study is to explain what is conceptual art. Books, articles, dictionaries, and information in the network of computer in English are major reference, while those in Chinese are secondary.
The contents consist of three sections: short introduction of historical background, comparison of nine selected definitions, and discussion of eight summarized characteristics. The study of definitions presents not only the similarities and differences of perspectives among conceptual artists, critic, and scholars, but also the different understandings between the 1970s and 1990s. Eight characteristics illustrate the vision of art theory, process of making-works, forms, viewer's participation, and attitude toward materials, business, living experience, and critics of conceptual art.
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